Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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String Function and Operators

String Length function

  • return the length of string (total number of characters)

Comparison operator

str1 == str2 equality str1 !== str2 non equality str1 > str2 greater than str1 < str2 less than str1 >= str2 greater than or str1 <>= str2 less than or equal

  • compared character by character
  • start at index 0
  • Two strings are equal when they have
    • the same order of characters
    • the same number characters

Ord Function

  • return integer Unicode of character
  • internally, comparison operators use the ord function

Comparison operator Example

print("apple" < "banana")
print(ord("a"), ord("b"))
print("apple" < "Blueberry")
print(ord("a"), ord("B"))
# Output
97 98
97 66

Concatenation operator

str1 + str2

String Append Examples

a = "UC"
b = "Berkeley"
c = a + " " +b
# Output
UC Berkeley

Membership operator

  • check if substr is contained in string
  • returns a boolean string
substr in string
s = "UC Berkeley"
print("Berkeley" in s)

# Output
