Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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String Methods

Building Strings

  • Concatenate operator to combine strings
# return a string from a given object
  • operands must be strings
  • Use the strin fuction to convert other types to strings
mean = (1+2+3+4) / 4
print('the aver is: ' + mean + '.')
# Output 
Typeerror: can only concatenate str (not float) to str

print('the aver is: ' + str(mean) + '.')
# Output 
the aver is: 2.5.

Formatted String Literals

  • also called formated string literals of f-strings
  • use replacemnt fields
    • Placeholders where a vlaue will appear
    • Indicated by {} and a value
mean = (1+2+3+4) / 4
print(f'the aver is: {mean}.')

Format specifiers

  • codes to change the appearance of replacement fiuelds
  • placed after the value and a colon in the replacement field
    • {value: format_specifier}
  • Examples
    • currency
    • floating point
    • width and alignment

# , thousands seperator
# .2f two digits after the decimal point
price = 12345.6
print(f'the price is: {price}.')
print(f'the price is: {price:,.2f}.')

Floating point

  • .[digits]f
pi = 3.14159
print(f'pi with 3 digits: {pi:,.3f}.')x 

Alignment and Width

  • <,^,>
city = 'Berkeley'

# Output
|Berkeley           |
|       Berkeley    |
|           Berkeley|