Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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Loop Control Structures

  • Infinte Loops
  • Break
  • Continue

Infinte Loops

  • common programming idiom
  • infinite Loop that executes forever
  • Example: While loop set to True
while True:


  • exits a loop
  • Example: to exit an infinite loop
  • works for either a for - or a while loop
  • used in conjunction with a conditional statement
    • if True, exit loop and go back to main flow
    • if False, remain in loop
if boolean_exp:
string = "apple,banana,orange"

# Splitting the string using comma as separator
result = string.split(',')

print(result)  # Output: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
while True:
    s = input("Enter a sentence: ")
    if len(s) == 0:
    words = s.split()
    #If no separator is provided to the split(), it splits the string based on whitespace characters by default.
    print(f"{len(words)} words")


  • Skips to the next iteration without leaving the loop
  • used in conjunction with a conditional statement
    • if True, go back to the top of the loop codeblock
    • If False,
if boolean_exp:
while True:
    s = input("Enter a sentence: ")
    if len(s) == 0:
    words = s.split(
        print(f"{len(words)} words")
  • now I have to hit Control C to exit the infinite loop.