Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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Function Arguments

  • Argument = value you pass to the function
  • Parameter = witin the function

Positional Arguments

  • Number of arguments match the number of parameters
  • Order is significant - each arguments corresponds to each parameter
def name_joiner(first, last, title):
    return title + ' ' + first + ' ' + last
print(name_joiner('Stephen', 'Strange','Dr.')) 
print(name_joiner('Dr.'. 'Stephen', 'Strange')) 
def my_function(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    This function takes three positional arguments.
    print("Argument 1:", arg1)
    print("Argument 2:", arg2)
    print("Argument 3:", arg3)

# Calling the function with positional arguments
my_function("Hello", 42, True)

Keyword Arguments

  • parameter name can be specified
    • parameter=argument
def function(param1, param2):
    function body

function(param2=arg2, param1=arg1)
  • beause the arguments have associated keywords, it does not need to follow the order of the parameters.
def greet(name, age):
    This function greets the person with the given name and age.
    print("Hello,", name + "!", "You are", age, "years old.")

# Calling the function with keyword arguments
greet(name="Alice", age=30)

Keyword Argument Examples

def name_joiner(first, last, title):
    return title + ' ' + first + ' ' + last
print(name_joiner(title='Dr.', first='Stephen', last='Strange'))
# Output
Dr. Stephen Strange

Mix positional and keyword arguments

def name_joiner(first, last, title):
    return title + ' ' + first + ' ' + last
print(name_joiner('Stephen', title='Dr.',last='Strange'))
# Output
Dr. Stephen Strange

Default Arguments

  • Argument can be omitted
def function(param1, param2=value):
    function body


Default Argument Example 1

def name_joiner(first, last, title=''):
    # title is now optional and an empty string
    return title + ' ' + first + ' ' + last
print(name_joiner('Stephen', 'Strange'))
# Output
Stephen Strange

Default Argument Example 2

def name_joiner(first, last, title=''):
    # title is now optional and an empty string
    return title + ' ' + first + ' ' + last
print(name_joiner('Stephen', 'Strange', 'Mr.'))
# Output
Mr. Stephen Strange
  • if not omitted, the argument overrides default value

Variable Number of Arguments

  • Call a function with any number of arguments
def function (*params):
    function body
  • collects arguments into a tuple

Variable Number of Arguments Example1

def mean(*numbers, prec=2):
    # round our mean by default precision of 2
    # sum and len accept sequences
    return round(m,prec)

# Output
# 3.17

print(mean(16, 11, 431, pres=1))
# Output
# 152.7

Variable Number of Arguments Example2

  • sum_all = adding all the numbers in all sequences
def sum_all(*sequences):
    # all arg have to be #s of sequences
    total = 0
    for seq in sequences:
        for n in seq
        total +=n
    return total

# sequence is a tuple ([1,2,3])
print(sum_all([1,2],[3], [4,5,6]))
# passing 3 lists

Call a function with parenthesis

  • no value but returns a string
def make_a_sound():
  • returns a value
def agree():
def agree():
    if agree():
        print('That was to be expected.')

Arguments and Parameters

Argument = value you pass to the function Parameter = witin the function Function should only be responsible for one thing

def echo(anything):
    return anything + ' / ' + anything

  • If a function doesn’t call return explicitly, the caller gets the result None.

None is usefull

  • None, True, or False
  • You need None to distinguish a missing value from an empty value.
  • False (not the same as None): Zero valued integers, floats, empty strings (‘’), lists([]), tuple((,)), dictionaries({}) and sets (sets())
def whatis(thing):
    if thing is None:
        print(thing, "is None")
    elif thing:
        print(thing, "is True")
        print(thing, "is False")
# try with real values

Positional Arguments

  • copied to their corresponding parameters in order
def menu(wine, entree, dessert):
    return{'wine':wine, 'entree': entree, 'dessert': dessert}

menu('Chardonnay', 'chicken', 'cake')

Another example

def f(qty, item, price):
    print(f'{qty} {item} cost ${price:.2f}')

f('bananas', 1.74, 6)
  • you need to remember the meaning of each position

Keyword Arguments

  • to avoid confusion with positional arguments
  • specify arguments by the names of their corresponding parameters, even in differnt order from their definition in the function
menu(entree='beef', dessert= 'Streuselkuchen', wine='Bordeaux')
{'wine':'Bordeaux', 'entree': 'beef', 'dessert': 'Streuselkuchen' }  

  • you can mix positional and keyword argument

functions is expected to run each time with a fresh result list

specify Default Paramter Values

def buggy():

def works(arg):

def nobuggy(arg, result=None):

Explode/Gather Positional Arguments with *

grouping a variable number of postional arguments into a single tuple or parameter values. (tuples are non mutable)

def print_args(*args):
    print('Positional tuple: ', args)

  • whatever you give it it will be printd as a args tuple
def print_args(*args):
    print('Positional tuple: ', args)
print_args(3,2,1, 'wait!'. 'uh..')
# Output
Positional tuple: (3,2,1, 'wait!'. 'uh..')
  • If you function has required positional arguments, put them first; *args goes at the end and grabs all the rest
def print_more(required1, required2, *args):
    print('this is required 1: ', required1)
    print('this is required 2: ', required2)
    print('all the rest: ', args)

print_more('cap', 'gloves', 'monocole', 'mustach wax')
# Output
  • You can use the * syntax in a a function call or definition.

puff-args (values are exploded)

  • Outside of a function: *args explodes the tuple args into comma-seperated positional parameters

inhale-args (values are gathered)

  • Inside of a function: args gathers all the positional arguments into a singles args tuple, You could use the namesparams and params, but it’s common practice to use *args foe both the ourside argument and inside parameter.

Explode/Gather Positional Arguments with **

  • to group keyword arguments into a dictionary. where the arguments names are the keys, and their values are the corresponding dictionary values.
def print_kwargs(**kwargs):
    print('keyword arguments: ' , kwargs)
# Output
keyword arguments: {}

print_kwargs(wine='Bordeaux', entree='mutton', dessert= 'macaroon' )
# Output
keyword arguments: {dessert= 'macaroon', wine='Bordeaux', entree='mutton'}
  • inside the function, kwargs is a dictinary parameter Argument order is:
  • required positional arguments
  • optional positional arguments (*args)
  • optional keyword arguments (**args)

  • The *8 syntax is valid only in a function call or definiton.


  • You can pass keyword argument to a function, which will match them inside to keyword parameter
  • You can pass a dictionary argument to a function, and inside it will be dictionary parameters
  • You can pass one or more keird arguments (name=value) to a functions, and gather them inside as **kwargs, which resolves to the dictionary parameter called kwards
  • Outside of a function, kwargs explodes a dictionary kwargs into name=value arguments Inside function,kwargs gathers name=value arguments into the sindle dictionary parameter kwarg.

Keyword-Only Arguments

def print_data(data, *, start=0, end=100):
    for value in (data[start:end]):

data = ['a','b','c','d','e','f',]

# Output


Mutable and Immutable Arguments

page 151 passing arguments to functions:

  • if argument is mutable, its value can be cahgend from inside the function via its corresponding parameter.
outside = ['one','fine','day']
def mangle(arg):
    arg[1] = 'terrible!'

>>> outside
# Output
>>> mangle(outside)