Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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Setters and getters

  • are methods used to access and modify the attributes of an object in a controlled manner.
  • They are part of the concept of encapsulation, which allows for better control over the access to attributes of a class.

Getter (getter method, accessor method):

  • is used to retrieve the value of a private attribute of a class. It typically has the naming convention get_attribute_name() and is used to access the value of a private attribute without directly accessing it. Getters allow for controlled access to the attribute, enabling validation or computation before returning the value.

Setter (Setter method, also known as a mutator method):

  • is used to modify the value of a private attribute of a class.
  • It typically has the naming convention set_attribute_name(value) and is used to modify the value of a private attribute. Setters allow for controlled modification of the attribute, enabling validation or computation before assigning the new value.
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self._name = name  # Private attribute

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_name(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, str):
            self._name = name
            raise ValueError("Name must be a string.")

# Usage
person = Person("Alice")
print(person.get_name())  # Output: Alice
print(person.get_name())  # Output: Bob
person.set_name(123)  # Raises ValueError
  • _name is a private attribute of the Person class.
  • get_name() is the getter method used to retrieve the value of _name, and set_name() is the setter method used to modify the value of _name. They provide controlled access to the _name attribute, allowing validation of input values.