Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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What is the Requests Module?

  • HTTP/HTTPS library for Python
  • fetch files over the internet
  • Abstracts connection details
  • Akin to a browser without the user interface

Requests Installation

pip3 install requests

Uniform Resource Locator

  • also known as URL or web address
  • reference to web pages, files and other internet resources

URL Parts

  • http is the protocol
  • is the host name
  • /extension/resources.html is the path
  • s=python is the query string (allows to send informtion to the server)

Fetching Internet Resources

user » sending a request » server server » sending a response which contains the resource » client

import request module » prepare request >. send request » get response » process response

Import the Requests Module

import requests

Preparing the Request

  • prepare the complete URL in string format
  • parameters for name-value entries in the form of a dictionary (which tehen will be sent as a query string)

Sending the Request

  • send the request using the get()method

Get Method

import requests
requests.get(url, parameters={})

reteieve the url resource and return a response object parameters are mebedded and encouded in the URL.

Getting the Response

  • response object is returned by the get() call
  • ifthe server is down or it is is an unknown server, get() will throw a ConnectionError » check URL

import request module » prepare request » send request » get response

Processing the Response

if the GET or the POST call receive a response check the status by using response.ok is True:

  • response object will contain the contents of the requested resources otherwise
  • examine response.status_code

import request module » prepare request >. send request » get response » process response

Response Properties

  • response.ok
    • True when the fetch request is successful
  • response.status_code
    • the HTTP status code returned by the server

Common HTTP Status Codes

200 Successful Response nothing more to do
400 Bad Request 400-499 indicate error on client side
401 Unauthorized  
404 Reource Not Found might also be a typo in url
500 Internal Server Error there is nothing we can do about

Text Contents

  • if we expect text, we should check the text files, using response.text
  • usually contains the text encoded, Unicode version in string format

Binary Contents

  • for binary files, use response.content
  • contains the raw, unencoded contents in byte format
  • use the ginary files, such as images, sound, encrypted files, etc.

Response Object Properties


  • the raw contents of the response (byte format)


  • the test encoded contents of the respponse (string format)

Requests Example

import request

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
with open ('index.html', 'w') as html_file:
    if response.ok:
        print('finished printing')
import request

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
with open ('wiki-logo.png', 'wb') as png_file:
    # set the context manager to download a binary file
    if response.ok:
        print('finished printing')