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How to Compile Regular Expressions

Regex Performance

  • Regular Expressions methods compule the regex pattern
  • Compilation can be a time-consuming process

Precompiling Regex

  • Option for patterns that do not change
  • Ideal when working with a single pattern and multipel strings
  • Improves efficiency and speed

Using the Regex Module

=> import re odule => compile regular expression pattern => get pattern object => call search methods from pattenr object with string

  • if no pattern is foudn it will return None
  • if a pttern is found it will return a match object

Pattern Object Methods

re.compile(pattern, flags=0)

# compile a regex pattern and returns a patter object
# takes optional flags
  • Similar in form and usage as re search methods
  • aready contains a pattern no need to pass it as an argument
  • also returns a match object

Search Method, start, stop)

# return a match object if the pattern_object is found in string
# return None if not found
# start and stop are opttional indexes for the search range in string

Match Method

pattern_object.match(string, start, stop)

# return a match object if the pattern_object is found at the  beginnign of a  string
# return None if not found
# start and stop are opttional indexes for the search range in string

Find All Method

pattern_object.findall(string, start, stop)

# return a list of substring in string that match the pattern_object
# return None if not found
# start and stop are opttional indexes for the search range in string

Precompilation Example

import re
s = 'software hardware'
pattern= re.compile('ware') # creating a pattern object 
match =
 if match:
    # Output matched

Let’s test

import unittest
import re

class TestRegexMatch(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_match_found(self):
        s = 'software hardware'
        pattern = re.compile('ware')
        match =
        self.assertIsNotNone(match, "Match should be found")

    def test_match_not_found(self):
        s = 'hello world'
        pattern = re.compile('ware')
        match =
        self.assertIsNone(match, "Match should not be found")

if __name__ == '__main__':

run test with

python -m unittest

Test Class

  • class TestRegexMatch(unittest.TestCase): Defines a class that inherits from unittest.TestCase.

Test Methods:

  • test_match_found()
    • Sets up a string (s) that should contain the match.
    • Creates the regular expression pattern (pattern).
    • Uses to search for the pattern.
    • self.assertIsNotNone(match, "Match should be found"): This assertion checks if the match object is not None, indicating a successful match.
  • test_match_not_found():
    • Sets up a string (s) that should not contain the match.
    • The rest of the logic is similar to the previous test.
    • self.assertIsNone(match, "Match should not be found"): This assertion checks if the match object is None, indicating that the match was not found.

Running the Tests:

  • if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()`
    • to run the tests when you execute the script directly.
  • Verify the expected outcomes with assertions like assertIsNotNone and assertIsNone
  • The output will show you the results of each test, indicating whether they passed or failed, along with any error messages.