Pacific Beach Drive

Mike's Drive.

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Pattern Matching - Characters

Literal Characters

  • will match the exact character in the string
  • includes:
    • digits (0-9)
    • Uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z)
    • escaped characters

Escaped Characters

  • there are few character the require escaping to use literally
  • backlash () turns off the special meaning of a character
  • Characters required to be preceded with a backslash()
    • ^$+?*()\

Literal Examples

'Goodbye\.' # escape the dot
'End of the line\.\n' # escape the dot, white space new line
'\$100\.00' # escape the dollar sign
'24\+36=60' # escape the + sign
'\\t means tab'

Character Classes

  • Contains a range or series of characters
  • Correspond to matching a single character
  • Surrounded by square brackets

Defining Character Classes

  • within square brackets []:
    • we place one or more literal characters in it
    • we can also place a character range using a start character, a dash and an ending character by specifying a starting character, a dash and an ending character Caret (^) [invert he character class by placing] at the beginning of indicates inverse matching

Character Classes Examples

[ABCD] # match only A, B, C or D
[aeiou] # match only a,e,i,o,u
[B-E] # match only B, C, D or E
[^B-E] # match anything but B, C, D or E
[a-z0-5] # match letter from a-z(lowercase) or number 0-5.
[^A-z] # match only non alphabet characters

Character Class Matching


Character Classes Shorthand

  • Shorthand to frequently used character classes:
    • Alphanumeric, numeric and whitespace ranges
    • Inverse of the above ranges
    • The dot (.) character matches any character

Shorthand Character Classes

Shorthand Equivalent Description
. . match any single character except newline
\w [A-z0-9_] alphanumeric and _
\W [^A-z0-9_] non - alphanumerics
\d [0-9] digits
\D [^0-9] non digits
\s [ \b\f\n\r\t\v] whitespace
\S [^ \b\f\n\r\t\v] non whitespace

Shorthand Examples

Pattern Description
... match any three characters
\d\d match any two digits
\w\w\w match any three alphanumeric characters
\S match a single - non whitespace character
[A-z]\W match one alphabet followed by a non white space
\d\d\D\D match two digits followed by two non-digits
\s\w\s match one alphanumeric characters surrounded by whitespace

Shorthand Matching Examples

  • three consecutive digits match
Pattern String
[0-9][0-9][0-9] 510
\d\d\d 510
\d\d\d 94704
\d\d\d x300
\d\d\d 42 [no match]