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My QA Playbook

QA done right.

Milestone 2 - Set the stage and plan Agile (draft#3)

  • be open to adapting QA processes and strategies as the project evolves.

To set the stage 2 areas need to be covered

  • the goal and its MVPs and
  • how to reach the goal.

In Agile they say, think and plan with the end in mind.
So let me start with the last item first

how to reach a/the goal

There are many ways to get from A to B. To get to B, it is important to be assertive, to be able to fight for what you think is right, especially as an advocate for user experience. This way you keep frustration to a managable level.

And it is also important to understand the concept of impulse control and boundaries. Combine all these points byt cultivating a mindset that enables the testing team to argue without being arrogant, or dismissive.

Here some background

  • In the movie Yentl, you see how students of the Talmud are arguing with each other, mostly in pairs.
  • To this day in Germany students are called Kommilitone (fellow students) which translates from the Latin words cum and militare. fighting with.

The idea is not argue and fight with each other for the fighting sake. When two humans co-operate (co comes from cum and operate - work together) to find the best idea, the best way of action, the best explanation, they are both fighting together to find the truth, the best possible, comprehensible and defendable truth. When two Talmud students fight with each other for the defintion of God or the idea of insanity, wishdom, they are testing each others reasoning with the goal to find the best defendable idea, and not to hurt each other. Before fascism, German students used to talk and discuss and argue about the proper interpretation on Kants epistemological take in comparison to Descartes and Hume.

Fighting constructively

What not to do / Fallacies: Ad hominem

  • instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument.

So knowing what sort of argument is constructive and justified is a very distinct mindset. As long as the team communicates bugs to developers, with each other focused on the issue at hand the team can actually communicate failure and success in a retrospective as well.

Introduce and cultivate a mindset of a fighting team spirit from day one and check for results in the retro session.


  • When I immigrated to California I was hoping that this would be common sense but experience taught me, we are still medieval in sunny California.

the goal and its MVPs in the Agile context

  • provides opportunities to assess the direction of a project throughout the development lifecycle.
  • continuely strives to grow and learn
  • Agile encourages to solve the problem as a team.
  • Agile Testing = testing that critiques the product and focus on what might be lacking in the finished product so that we can improve it.

  • adaptive planning,
  • evolutionary development,
  • early development,
  • continuous improvement,
  • rapid response to change: - Testing an application with a plan to learn about it as you go, and letting that information guide your testing.
  • help the customer tell us what was valuable to them during each iteration, and to write test to ensure that’s what they got.

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